Meet Browski, a browser companion for the Mac

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  • Avatar of Konstantin


Browski helps you switch the default browser during the day

Are you a web developer or just someone who needs to use a different browser for work and fun? If the answer is yes, then you absolutely need Browski. Let me tell you how it works.


I sometimes work with clients who mandate that I use a specific browser to access their systems. Browski offers an App Filter so the default system browser will change as soon as you enter focus. For example, you can set Microsoft Edge to be the default when you activate the Work focus.

Screenshot from System Settings showing Focus App Filters

Browski activated app filter

The Shortcuts app on macOS offers all kinds of automation capabilities for the system. Browski adds actions you can use in your own shortcut recipes in order to change the system browser when appropriate

Screenshot from the Shortcuts app showing Browski actions

When testing websites on various browsers, it's sometimes useful to be able to quickly change which browser opens pages by default. Browski lives as a menu bar app and shows a current list of available browsers that can be set as a default.

Screenshot from the Browski menu

A pre-release version of Browski is now available for download for free. Feel free to give it a try and don't hesitate to use the "Send feedback" option to share any ideas you may have for making Browski better:

  • Browski currently requires macOS 14.5 or newer.

Browski 1.0 (beta 6)

Browski is a good citizen on your device. It doesn't access or collect any personal information.

When you submit a feedback from the app, any data you manually input as feedback will be shared with me. Browski will attach general metadata about your system and device (operating system version, device model) which we use for troubleshooting and diagnostics only. All feedback reports are anonymous (can't be traced back to you) and are deleted from our system within 30 days.

Browski is open source under the AGPL license.

(I will share a link to the source as well as instructions on how to build and run it locally once the final release of v1.0 is ready. (hopefully) the next couple of days)

The app uses the following open source dependencies:

The app uses the following system frameworks provided by Apple on their platforms:

  • AppKit
  • SwiftUI
  • UniformTypeIdentifiers
  • Foundation
  • CoreServices
  • Security
  • OSLog
  • AppIntents
Browski Header Image
