Feedback reply templates

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  • Avatar of Konstantin


We've just released Feedbackbulb 2.3 making it possible to create and customise outgoing reply templates

One of the most requested features we've been hearing about is the ability to create and adapt a template that will be used when replying to feedback from the Feedbackbulb dashboard.

For example, you may want to avoid repeating your greeting in every single reply or there may be some information you'd like to append to outgoing messages. To address this, I'm happy to share that we're introducing Blueprints.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.34.37
Screenshot from the Blueprints configuration in Feedbackbulb -

A blueprint in Feedbackbulb is a plain-text template which will be used when generating outgoing replies. Blueprints can be defined, per app, by the app owner and will be available to all team members with access to this app.

Feedback blueprints may use variables in order to dynamically insert information like the name of the app, as well allow you to precisely position where your reply will appear. Here is an example:




This blueprint allows me to automatically insert a greeting and my name for each outgoing reply:


Thank you for letting us know, we will check this right-away!


Blueprints are available for Email integrations and coming soon to other channels.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 10.34.37
